Decor Connect & Collaborate

(SAMPLE) Masters psychology student seeking allied health practitioners to interview about multidisciplinary mental health care

I am a final-year year Masters student seeking valued input from allied health practitioners for their perspectives on working in multidisciplinary healthcare teams. 

Collaborator Profile 

I am looking for allied health practitioners (psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, etc.) with experience working in multidisciplinary mental health teams.

Collaborator involvement

Participants will be asked to take part in a one-time, 30-minute interview discussing their experiences, challenges, and insights on collaborative mental health care.

Expected timeframe

Interviews are open from now (Oct 2024) to Feb 2025. 

Additional information

Your input will contribute to my research on improving collaboration in mental health care settings.

Are you interested in collaborating?

Connect with another member of the mental health workforce to support your practice or research.

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