About the Mental Health Workforce Hub
Supporting careers in the mental health sector.
Developing resources based on need
HTQ’s Health Research Needs Assessment, completed in 2022, identified 9 health research priority areas, one of which was mental health.
Within the assessment, mental health was also identified as one of the top 3 health issues affecting Queenslanders according to health professionals, researchers and consumers alike.
How the Hub was created
A collaborative group was formed
Based on this need, HTQ’s newest collaborative group was formed in 2023 – the Mental Health Collaborative Group. The group consists of mental health professionals from across Queensland, all dedicated to supporting the sector and the broader Queensland community.
Introducing the Mental Health Workforce Hub
The Mental Health Workforce Hub is the group’s first collaborative project. The Hub is a centralised resource to connect, upskill and support the mental health workforce sector in Queensland and beyond.
We hope the Hub is a helpful and inspiring place for people working in mental health practice or research or looking to join the sector.