Meet the stakeholders
Meet the Collaborative Group that made the Mental Health Workforce Hub possible.
What is the Mental Health Collaborative Group?
HTQ’s Mental Health Collaborative Group was in 2023 after HTQ’s Health Research Needs Assessment identified mental health as a priority area. The group’s goal is to provide better outcomes for Queenslanders who are experiencing mental challenges.
The group has 20 members who are representative of HTQ’s partner organisations and beyond. It is both cross-institutional and multi-disciplinary. The group’s inaugural meeting was held in September 2023 and they aim to meet at least four times per year.
The group is aware of the current challenges with the sector but felt that they could have the most impact in the development of this hub, focused on workforce capability and uplift. While there is currently an abundance of consumer and primary care focused platforms in mental health, this hub will serve as a centralised resource for mental health education, training and research for the mental health workforce in Queensland.
Meet the members
Dr Timothy Leow
Psychiatry Registrar
Child and Youth Mental Health Services, Townsville Hospital and Health Service
Jessica Pulis
Senior Mental Health Clinician and Occupational Therapist
Mackay Hospital and Health Service
Zoe Cunningham
Program Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing System Reform (Lived-Living Expertise)
Queensland Mental Health Commission
Kate Gadenne
Research Development Manager
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research (QCMHR)
Professor Sonja March
Centre of Health Research and Professor of Psychology, University of Southern QLD (USQ) and the Manna Institute
Associate Professor Nicola Warren
Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine (UQ) and Neuropsychiatrist
Associate Professor Zephanie Tyack
Implementation Scientist
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Dr Dhanisha Jhaveri
Senior Research Fellow and Group Leader
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)/Mater Research
Claire McCafferty
Program Manager
Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO
Alyse Trueman
Analysis and Accountability Team, Analytics, Improvement and Transformation Unit, Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch, Queensland Health
A/Professor Carla Meurk
Principal Researcher-Forensic Mental Health and Adjunct Associate Professor
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research (QCMHR) / The University of Queensland (UQ)
Dr James Kesby
Advanced Researcher and Senior Lecturer
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research (QCMHR) / Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
Professor Lara Farrell
Deputy Director
Griffith Centre for Mental Health Research (Griffith University) and Clinical Psychologist
Professor Sarah Medland
Group Leader Psychiatric Genetics
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Dr Marianne Wyder
Senior Research Fellow
Metro South – Addiction and Mental Health Services
Professor Selena Bartlett
Professor of Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Translational Research Institute (TRI)
Samuel McArdle
Mental Health Workforce Development and Education Coordinator
Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) – Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)
Loretta Warburton
Research and Learning, Metro South – Addiction and Mental Health Services
Colin Robinson
Assistant Director of Nursing
Nursing Workforce and Informatics, Gold Coast Health
Dr Emma Bell
Senior Policy Advisor
Policy Unit, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health